👋Welcome to TomYum

TomYum White-paper V1

TomYum Swap: The FIRST Decentralized Financial Solution on SOL.

Pay, Receive and Exchange TBH & Crypto.


Welcome to Tom Yum Swap, a pioneering financial platform that seamlessly integrates cryptocurrency with traditional banking.

Our innovative solution is designed for the unique financial landscape of Asia, especially Thailand, where global tourism and local financial services intersect, creating both challenges and opportunities.

Our mission is to bridge these gaps, providing travelers and residents with a secure, versatile, and user-friendly financial experience.

— From The Founder @TomYum

The Current Problems💡TomYum: The SolutionOur Dragon Powered Features

TomYum Fundamentals

We've put together some helpful guides for you to fully understand TomYum Swap Fundamentals.

🛠️Why We Build On SOL📪Tokenomics🛣️RoadMap

Last updated