

Securing TomYum Swap Smart Contracts: Milestones

As a project committed to delivering a secure and reliable decentralized financial platform, TomYum Swap prioritizes the security of our smart contracts. Below are the key milestones we have outlined to ensure our smart contracts are thoroughly audited and secure before they are issued on the Solana blockchain.

1. Initial Development and Internal Review

  • Development: The first step involves developing the smart contract by our experienced blockchain developers. The smart contract will incorporate all the essential functionalities, including token issuance, transaction processing, and deflationary mechanisms.

  • Internal Code Review: Once the initial development is complete, our internal team of developers and security experts will conduct a thorough review of the code. This step aims to identify and rectify any potential vulnerabilities or logic errors before proceeding to external audits.

2. Pre-Audit Testing

  • Unit Testing: We will perform comprehensive unit tests on individual components of the smart contract to ensure each part functions as expected. This includes testing edge cases and simulating various transaction scenarios.

  • Integration Testing: After unit testing, we will conduct integration tests to ensure that all components work seamlessly together. This phase includes testing interactions with other parts of the TomYum Swap platform.

3. External Audits

  • Selection of Auditors: We will engage reputable third-party blockchain security firms specializing in Solana smart contract audits. Firms such as CertiK, Quantstamp, or SlowMist will be considered based on their track record and expertise.

  • Audit Process: The selected auditing firm will perform a detailed security audit of the smart contract. This process includes:

    • Code Review: A line-by-line analysis of the smart contract code to identify potential vulnerabilities, inefficiencies, and logic errors.

    • Security Testing: Conducting various tests, such as penetration testing and security analysis, to evaluate the contract’s resilience against attacks.

    • Report Generation: The audit firm will produce a comprehensive report detailing any identified issues, along with recommendations for mitigation.

4. Remediation and Re-Audit

  • Issue Resolution: Based on the audit report, our development team will address any identified issues. This involves making necessary code changes to eliminate vulnerabilities and enhance the contract’s security.

  • Re-Audit: If significant changes are made, we will engage the audit firm for a re-audit to verify that all issues have been resolved and that no new vulnerabilities have been introduced.

5. Community Involvement and Transparency

  • Audit Report Publication: To ensure transparency, we will publish the final audit report on our GitBook and other communication channels. This allows the community and potential investors to review the audit findings and our responses.

  • Bug Bounty Program: We will establish a bug bounty program to incentivize independent security researchers to identify and report any vulnerabilities. This ongoing initiative will help maintain the security of our smart contracts post-deployment.

6. Ongoing Security Measures

  • Continuous Monitoring: After deployment, we will implement continuous monitoring tools to track the performance and security of the smart contract. This includes real-time alerts for any suspicious activities or anomalies.

  • Regular Audits: We commit to periodic security audits, especially after significant updates or changes to the smart contract. This proactive approach ensures that our smart contracts remain secure over time.


The security of TomYum Swap’s smart contracts is paramount to the trust and success of our platform. By following these milestones, we aim to deliver a secure, transparent, and reliable financial solution on the Solana blockchain. Our commitment to rigorous security practices ensures that users and investors can have confidence in the integrity and safety of our ecosystem.

Last updated